The workshop «Sustainable Pensions through Sustainable Investments?» is organised by the legal team involved in the interdisciplinary research project: “SAS Pensions”. It aims to participate in the debate concerning the identification of a pension’s architecture, namely its ability to meet the goals of financial sustainability, social adequacy and safe governance.

Mega trends such as ‘Ageing’, globalisation, and demographic and climate change are transforming our economies and societies. For this reason, the workshop’s Scientific Committee has launched a Call for Contribution, inviting researchers to discuss the concept of sustainability in Pension policies.

To address these topics, the presentations will be organized as followed.

From a financial perspective a sustainable pension architecture calls for sustainable investment considerations. Whereas sustainability in the pension systems requires a sustainable social protection scheme organised in a more inclusive and flexible way in order to support employment relationships in the labour market.

In the first section, speakers will discuss the financial responsibilities and retirement risks shared between the state and beneficiaries, and/or non-State actors (employers/employees) in a scenario where a growing importance has been placed on “non-state furnished” pension products such as individual savings and complementary pension plans.

In the second section, speakers will debate the challenges which arise in social protection systems that focus on the provision of pension security. Technological progress, together with more flexible working needs, is compromising the typical social protection scheme based on the premise of a stable, full-time and linear career.